Andrew's Resin Casting

"I'm an artist. Arrest me."

I'm an artisan keycap maker. 

Over the summer, I began the journey from collector to creator. Armed with cheap materials, a lack of workspace, and little time, I created failed mold after failed mold. A month in and I could finally cast a blank. A month later and I cast my first artisan, a pecular mouse-like creature named Neritantan.
< -- Meet Neritantan.

Okay, those are cool, but how did you make them?

Well, in short, there are 3 very complicated steps.

1. Sculpt (making sure it fits within a keycap's normal dimensions)
2. Mold (engineering a mold system that creates an artisan that can fit on a mech)
3. Cast (using pleasing pigments, doing multiple shots, mixing and pouring in a way to somehow prevent bubbles)

Cool! Then what?
If I were me, I'd sell them online for $20 each as well as take commissions. Wait, I already do that.

Another sculpt I've been working on:
I also do turtles on the side.